7 Rare Coins of The Bible 

7. 1540 Hungarian Denar Madonna & Child - Silver coin, significant value, specific historical value not detailed

6. Widow's Mite (likely the prutah of King Alexander Jannaeus) - Smallest and least valuable Jewish bronze coins

5. Tyrian Shekel - High-purity silver coin, used for religious offerings and payments

4. Roman Denarius (Tribute Penny) - Standard Roman silver coin, worth about a day's wage for a common laborer

3. Persian Darics, Greek Drachmas, Roman Denarii - Varied values, widely used in trade and commerce

2. Leptons or Prutot of the Hasmonean Kings (Widow's Mite) - Small bronze coins, among the least valuable in circulation

1. Coins of Pontius Pilate - Small bronze coins, modest value, used for everyday transactions

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